Dobro došli na Portal

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Dobro došli na Portal

Poštovane kolege, prijatelji i posetioci portala TIMCA.

U našem okruženju postoji značajan ljudski potencijal. On se nalazi u znanju i iskustvu inženjera raznih struka. Mnogi od njih, sticajem okolnosti nisu uključeni u privredne tokove. Grupa iskusnih inženjera pokrenula je program TIM, čije se aktivnosti mogu pratiti preko ovog portala. Pored toga možete i sami da učestvujete u aktivnostima grupe TIM.


Dear colleagues, friends and visitors of the TIMCA portal.

There is significant human potential in our environment. He is in the knowledge and experience of engineers of various professions. Many of them, due to circumstances, are not included in economic flows. A group of experienced engineers has launched the TIM program, whose activities can be monitored through this portal. In addition, you can participate in the activities of the TIM group yourself.

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